Monday, January 30, 2006
wah...its been a month since my last shows how busy i haf been...tired also lah...last wk atec stage one was finally over...stupid waste of f-king time if u ask me...y do u need to test each f-king individual batallion to rate and rank them when u noe they are all doing their part to fight as one if the need arises...wat civil rivalry? moral discouragement? wateva lah...its all a waste of time...i think the army training evaluation centre all started coz there was a excess of soldiers...they didnt noe wat to do with them and so they thought they cud start a enemy battalion for the sake of judging how good a battalion is by playing lazer quest in the open...stupid f-king system called the TES...doesnt work most of the time...and the overall decision made on how gd the battalion is is made by how well u calibrate or configure the damn TES (lazer quest) shit tats y its a waste of time...u may b a f-king gd soldier...ippt gold SOC below 8min 30 sec...soldier of the month for the whole yr...but if u TES system doesnt work properly on tat day u r fighting a mission...u jeopardise the chances for the battalion to get redcon status 1...lame...f-k so its finally over...only stage 1....stage 2 is over in thailand to which i will b flying off on thurs morning...hope to haf a gd time there...

this whole week has been a say tat i haf been arriving home at earliest 6.30am for the past 3 days including today is a total understatement...the stuff tat i haf done...lets not go there...

it all goes out to Team BadboyZ for giving me a blast of a time...may we ride together alwayz....badboyZ for life..
6:25 AM

