Friday, September 28, 2007
Finally the weekend is here…
Well school has started once again..Hate it when my classes fall on Fridays.. just cant concentrate in class when my lessons fall on Fridays…always thinking bout what to do after class and on sat and sun…
Hari Raya is just round the corner, and for the first time in my life I just aint bothered bout it…no one in the family seems excited bout it either…well kinda expected..all the increases in GST,PETROL, new ERP gantries, outstanding bills are constantly circling in the head reminding all of us to minimize our expenditures..
Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer…hahaha..
Fell sick right after I came back from Batam…was on MC on tues.. surprisingly when I got back to work on wed, my emails weren’t piling at all…(my mailbox usually exceeds the storage limit when I take leave or am on mc)…
The gf bought me ginseng tea on tues and yest…(thanks dear!) although it didn’t quite taste nice…I got to say it really works…feel much better already…
Looks like I got her addicted to online shopping (yahoo! Auctions) …and she has been quite an avid shopper for the past week..must find smth to take her attention away from that soon..keke
I felt like a P plate driver yesterday…hitting a kerb, mounting a kerb and mounting a central divider…my concentration was just not there..mayb coz I was thinking bout….hahahaha..nvm…well I still managed to drive home safely…
Got skool again later…then kickstart the wkend with my gf…mayb for a drink…
Gotta get back to work…Cyaz..
9:57 AM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Kitchen Stove
So.. seems like the bf's tryna hint something with that wishlist of his.And i've added mine to .. HIS account. tee hee heeI'm gonna get at least something from my wishlist this X'mas rite? (winks)Or even better, since my birthday is like less then 2 mths frm now.. you've better start saving.Here are just a couple of pictures during the short Batam trip we had.IYF, i had to work and he lays his ass in the hotel room.OH! OH! and i have to say this!!The Presidential Suite is only SGD$150 per freaking nite!!Has plasma TV, a huge couch, big ass bed.. etc..We had a little peek walking pass it...In the Ferry on the way to batam...

Doesn't the Bf look totally gay cam whoring in the room whilst the GF is out at work?Oh well... i shall not be so insensitive. Yes, these are just about the pictures we took. Pathetic huh?Next time round we'll stay in the big suite room and take more pictures ok??OK, i've changed the layout again and this time, pwetty with pink flowers.I love it!!Love,Yvonne
5:19 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Microwave Oven
I am sure pple find pink more boring…nevertheless it’s the gf’s fav colour…so I dun mind..=)
My hair is perfectly alright (ok wat!) considering how much I paid for a cut and wash…(S$2!!)..but its like 75% of my highlights are gone..
I felt like a VIP over at batam…they had pple opening doors for us almost everywhere we went.. even in macdonalds..and I tasted the best seafood hor fun ever…thx to a late night craving from the gf..
I think its quite a practical idea to migrate to batam if I should get a expat job there..the standard of living is much much lower than that of beloved nation of Singapore (said with pride)
Business options? Not many…unless u’re gonna outsource your manpower intensive activities over there..
Well I better not go on like a ….a…..geek as the gf might say..but I am just being practical and honest..
Damn all the Mitsubishi MIVECS are exported to batam…no wonder there are hardly any challenge left for the VTECS in spore….it is also impossible to travel above 60km/h considering the heavy traffic (or rather slow moving traffic) and poor road conditions (there are potholes every 100m)..
This should not be a problem if you buy an off road vehicle, you can use the sand and grass patches beside the roads as an overtaking lane, and you do not have to come to a frequent slowdown coz of the potholes..
Well better get back to work..will carry on later..
4:35 PM
Conventional Oven
I can't believe i'm blogging.. and to the fact that prolly no one will read this, makes me wonder why i'm blogging.
*shrugs* oh well... since there's a 1st for everything (second sometimes), might as well just go with the flow.
actually black is boring but since its the bf's fav color, i shall please him for a little while then start changing this whole black blog to the oh so sweet pinky pink!! (awww....)
The bf "
awww..." ,so gay.
Anyways we just came back from batam, with so little pictures to boast about. But the shopping there is sooooooo awesome! you can never find anything so dirt cheap here in singapore. God! if only i had a million rupiah, i could buy a house, a car i could shop for everything and anything.
But nevertheless, we were still "rich", carrying around thousands n thousands in cash...
Manicure & pedicure, the bf got a haircut, which is ...... i shall not mention, it might break his already achy breaky heart.
Seafood, grocery shopping, A&W!
ahhh... A&W...
I shall upload pics later...
2:06 PM
microwave oven
If I remember correctly I had made a blog entry…it was on Nov 10 of 2005 exactly..
Its amazing how much things have changed…
Most importantly I am glad that I finally have someone to say those words (lyrics rather) to..
I love you babe..
1:25 PM