Monday, October 22, 2007
Too Fat To Fuck
Alrite, no pun intended for the above title. Just got this
quote from a book titled, Fat Girl by
Judith Moore. Pretty interesting memoir, yes, its a true story. I guess the word FAT kinda got to me, feeling all touchy about the word, decided to read the book. And the first thing it's written is
"you're too fat to fuck!", Ouch! Now that definitely hurts. Gawd.. it just brings back aching memories.
I was once upon a time, too fat to fuck. Literally.
I won't say i'm all slim and svelte now. Or rather in layman terms,
fuckable. Well, at least i did managed to loose almost almost 35 pounds.
ok, we shall not once again remind me that i just gained 3kg.
I have pictures to prove.
This was when i was only pri 5, you can see how much i've grown.( i choose to blame puberty.)
P/S(don't click and zoom on it already, it'll hurt me.)

I guess i got it from my mama huh? Oh well.. look how ugly i was! Argh!
I wasn't the heaviest then, this was when i was prolly weighing around 50++.
I was heaviest at 62kg! for a height of 157cm.. i almost couldn't see my feet.
Don't ask for any pics weighing at 62kg, my utmost worst enemy was the camera.

Ahh... look at those brows.. yuck!
You presume the size runs in the family ah? haha... no mistake about tht.

And i decided i could shed some pounds. This was still 50+kg.

Ok, so after a couple of years, got rid of those unsightly eyebrows, fat and all that jazz.
I thought looking like this wouldn't hurt. =)

Ok.. a little more.. (can la.. so much for loosing so much of weight, give me some credit la) *winks*

Taa Daa!! The whole new me!
Sigh.. though my ass's flat, boobs are too small, i fit nicely into many pretty clothes i never thought i could once fit in. Those times i walked pass those boutiques, thinking to myself when will i ever be able to wear that, those heels... when will it able to carry me. I got myself working hard on that dream and eventually made it happen. A change of wardrobe is quite costly, DUH! u even have to buy a whole new set of undergarments! but nevertheless, pretty clothes filled my wardrobe as time pass...
Ahh... its ironic how ppl change their character, attitude and even their looks in a short time.
Take my best bud in sec sch for example.
She has always been the most boyish, psychopathic and toughest tom boy in class.
She follows wherever i go and i'd drag her along too.
But since then she always had this nice, slim, sexy bod.
I saw her in her bathing suit, and thought she looks terrific. Come on! when you're fat, you'll naturally admire ppl like that wad.
But i always thought its sucha waste, with such a nice bod, long legs, model height, clear skin, nice hazel brown eyes. She'd rather become sucha butch with pigtails, big baggy jeans,oversized tops and stomps around like a ogre.
Here she is, on my 16th birthday, her usual self, all crazy, she made me take a pic of her like that.
Searching for her charming ape in shining amour on a white horse.

Err... ok, maybe she found him.

Look at her now! can u believe that one day she'd be in the Ms Singapore Finals? YES! it shocked all of us! No one could've imagine her parading around in bikini, putting think make up and all that. She didn't win though, but she made it into the finals! Boy, am i proud of her. I bet she doesn't need to wait under the coconut tree anymore.

She's doing freelance modeling now. Shows, drama etc. I haven't been in contact with her like forever coz of her change of attitude. Perhaps fame do make one change drastically. *shrugs*
Awrite, nuff of her. Don't want her to steal my thunder. =P
Allow me to digress,
I sneaked out of work last fri and made the bf took half day leave to accompany me.
Went to The National Library, (psst... the bf's a geek. trust me.)
This was a total natural shot. I don't look a bit exaggerated rite?

So the geek tries his luck at imitating, but unfortunately appears like he just shat his pants.

Then told me that with frequent forced bowel movements, he can one day become like LL Cool J.
(pls pardon the finger in the middle, it might be mistaken for smthing else, but its definitely not.)

So to cover up the overwhelming stench across the library, he pretended to look interested and engross reading this time. I would say, he did a good cover up.

I couldn't stop laughing when i saw this card at Borders. I had to do this.

Haha... doesn't he look gay? rite..that's about it. I better hit the sack now. Had the most horrible nightmare ever! Ah.. Mon, back to work and stupid meetings. $!&^#$%!@
3:07 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
If you had my job, you'd drink too..

Well its back to work on this dreadful monday...well had a gd wkend..Hari raya just passed...but supposedly celebrations continue for a month..made some visits to the relatives on sat afternoon..then met baby in the evening..for sm drinks at indochine..followed by a late night supper (grandma's briyani)...
Indochine is a great place to chill out if u're a fan of slow rock..the live band on stage is CatsInECradle...yup the "live the dream" contestants..I haf to say they are very talented..they guitarists are quite flawless...however the lead singer sometimes tries to hard to simulate other rockstars(specifically Creed's lead singer) ...kinda no orginality..yup but his voice is quite seranading to listen to despite the occasional swallowing of lyrics..mumbling rather..
Decided we shall make it a monthly affair to visit aint to0 loud...still quite possible to have a decent conversation..however its quite cramp near the "sofa" its quite convenient for pple to eavesdrop..
There still is the occasional "kay siaos" on the orchard rd which is quite close to the pub..blasting their exhausts away on their turbocharged/supercharged beauties..(bastards!)..
Most importantly i managed to experience smth i always wanted to...being at a bar...sitting all so relaxed, listening to nice live rock ballads, having a nice drink...
WITH a gal that you love so much, made it all the more special...thx dear for making it happen..
Yet camera...regret for the lack of photographs...soon.. soon..
cya later...
drooly, gha..
1:20 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Center of Attention
I'm planning to look for another job now.
I know alot of pple would kill to have my job, but i'm getting really restless and bored of it.
Besides the fact that the pay's so little, its really not worth handling so much projects for a mere $1,300 pay check.
I'm put in charge of Batam (currently they're doing up a shop there and i've to liaise with one of my Indonesian colleague regarding the renovations and such.) Oh, plus, i've a few hotels under my hand, which i also have to follow up.
More or less, boss is squeezing every ounce of energy from me at a pathetic pay.
Oh, did i also mention that my department has only 2 workers? including me. the other one is my Manager, who is always not in the office and very busy.
So if he's busy, i take over whatever that needs following up.
Sigh... even ask me to do up a website for them.
See! how much i'm being used?!
I can't even recall wads my job scope like, with all these extra work i'm handling.
Alrite, over it. Time for some pics. =)
Isn't this shoe pretty? The ultimate pair of
Pardon me for looking so fat..

These babies costs like $140++ something if i'm not mistaken.
Its absolutely
GORGEOUS. Saw it at TOPSHOP, vivocity. Its in very shiny silver, so you've gotta know how to mix and match to be able to wear it. Definitely and eye turner. I think its about 5" heels.
Some random pics we took after a nice meal of yummy-lious duck rice, its the bf's 1st attempt.

I'm on a mission: to loose 3kg b4 my birthday. I've recently put on a hefty 3kg, all thanks to the doting bf of mine, bringing me for late night suppers and feeding my never ending huger for food. Damn! i've ought to look good for X'mas and New year!
Anyways i missed one damn number for 4D! yes yes.. is very rarely that i would buy 4D due to the amount of bad luck recently. I bought the number 1019, when it came out 1219 for the
3rd prize! Infuriating or what!! Geez.. i even explained to the bf that i actually wanted to buy 1219 cause of some incident i thought that lady luck was finally on my side for once, then i can't bloody remember if it was 1219 or 1019, but i thought "wad da hell.. 1019 should be it!"
Unfortunately, fate played a trick on me and it turned out to be 1219!! I felt i killing myself. Why didn't i just trust my instincts!?? Sigh.. hopefully this Saturday, it'll come out. I just missed one number, otherwise i'd be a thousand dollars richer.
Back to work now, though no one's in the office, so i'll probably leave office like...NOW! KEKE..
Alrite, gtg now.. bub bye~
6:40 AM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Silence of the lamps
And so life goes on...looks like the gf has been slacking a new posts for quite sometime liao ah..
Still in the office right now...taking a little break b4 i get baq to work again. Probably will be stuck here till 10+
Had a gr8 night with gf over at east coast on tues night..we went over to Islamic, had fantastic briyani b4 tat...must make it a point to revisit again. To fully appreciate the food have to indulge in the meal with your how we both found out..
We came across a sight in East coast that we couldnt help commenting about.In fact most of the pple in east coast that walked past that "sight" sure did take a second, third and forth glance at "it"..
A man dressed in track pants,windbreaker and trainers taking a walk with his wife(not really sure...could be mistress) who was dressed in hotpants,a f*cking tight tanktop and believe it or not HEELS!...i wouldnt be able to tell the difference between her and a hooters waitress if i had noticed her from the back. Even the colour combi was similar. I mean watsup with her dressing. If you think tat is common...the way she was trying so hard to flaunt her "assets"(if there were any worth noticing)...i got worried that she might break her hips or smth....i decided she wasnt sporean would want to put herself or anyone with her under such negative attention. Buay paiseh ah? it was like she was practicing for a shemale pageant. Crazy stuff..come to think of it...only a trans would be courageous enough to do such a thing in a serene environment like tat..hmmm...
Its funny how some singaporeans like to indirectly boast about themselves in such a diplomatic way. i encounterd one such incident when i was in class yest. I am usually the reserved kinda person in class unless i am with some1 i already noe....i can be a class act. So there i was taking down notes during the lecture and the occasional SMSs to the gf..this guy sitting next to me just leaned towards me and asked me why i was writing so much...and asked if it was important...thats how it all started...b4 i knew it...there he was giving me a brief career,educational history of himself...but the way he put his words...was very interesting...he was trying to show off but being quite modest in a way...he went like..
"so many condo in singapore...but all meant for sporean want to afford? how much do we have to earn b4 we can buy a condo?"
he realised he was getting a bit loud and wrote down in MY NOTEBOOK..."$3.5k - my pay" , "$4k?....$5k? and so on" then he stopped at "10k" circled it several times and drew arrows towards the figure of $3.5k....followed by a sigh..."still long way to go haiz...not enuf to maintain my car...if normal car nvm...haiz i go buy wrx gf...stewardess travel travel...haiz"
he juz got on my nerves...i nvr asked for all tat if u wanna bitch bout the standard of living prob man...but too much info bout ur happy tat u r earning tat much..ass..
well i juz kept quiet after that..
back 2
6:29 PM