Thursday, April 03, 2008
The highlights of precious moments
Ok... i know, we haven't updated in ages!!I did bug the BF to do something about it, he promised to update once a month, then later after a month passed, he promised to update on a certain day, then... well, least we all know he's bad at keeping promises.
Hehehe.. kidding, he does keep his promises well with me, he damn well do! *LOL*
I decided to differentiate our posts, with color.
Mine's pink! Salmon pink!
I love salmon too!!
So... my computer's really "sick" now. I totally blame myself for causing it this terrible illness that perhaps, only reformatting it is the only situation. Reformat=born again. So i conclude, my com's down with a deadly disease. All because i thought some dumbass site would provide me with the information i need, and i had to be the numbskull who downloaded the file. It's like i made my comp, "prostituted" itself for some useless info, thus it got infected with this disease. =( And i didn't even get what i was searching for!! %^#@!$%@#!!!
I'm sucha irresponsible owner! Oh well... guess its time to get it reformat soon coz its slowing down alot and it may crash anytime soon.
Like the layout? I thought the black & white one was pretty dull, i'm sure alot of you agree with me. It's hard to find a nice layout coz i realized that almost all those layouts are super Emo, man! Just wanted some cheerful, bright and non-Emo templates.
Ok, so let's rewind back to Valentine's Day now.
We had at $180++ 5 course dinner at DALLAS, this restaurant situated at Boat Quey.

We wanted to go to Altivo at Mount Faber one night but unfortunately, it was under some major renovation, everything was ripped and dug and taken down.. but we managed to find this gorgeous thing and saw every tom, dick couple taking pictures with it.
Tsk, tsk tsk.. Niang eh... super chio or wad rite! Hahaha... thank god i brought the 7.1megapixels Digi cam along, otherwise his Hp cam wouldn't take sucha good pic. The Fella who took it for us should have zoomed in la.. see! The white barrier behind can see also.. Spoil it. But i reckon the Big flower heart shape is sucha nice backdrop!!! You sickening lovey dovey couples should go!! Hahaha...
Before that, we headed to Vivocity to get some shopping done. The BF got a splendid news that his Sister bought him the new PS3. *grumbles* Ok ok.. i'm excited for him too. But he's gonna glue himself to it once he gets his hands on that! See how nice he smiles now.
Ok.. not very nice but still a good try.
This one's very dark huh... forgot to turn on the flash.
Before that, we headed to Vivocity to get some shopping done. The BF got a splendid news that his Sister bought him the new PS3. *grumbles* Ok ok.. i'm excited for him too. But he's gonna glue himself to it once he gets his hands on that! See how nice he smiles now.
Our dressing room raids! Muahahahah...

I suddenly got bit by the art bug and turned Arty-Farty. I decided to "zeng" my room and many other things.. kekeke...
I painted this on the wall... kinda like a border for my mirror...

*LOL* Sorry ah.. the picture abit mismatch. Yes yes... that's me in my ugly boxers.
I suddenly got bit by the art bug and turned Arty-Farty. I decided to "zeng" my room and many other things.. kekeke...
I painted this on the wall... kinda like a border for my mirror...
Next, My PSP..

Bling Bling and a good wrapping paper(not the normal paper quality)..
MY CLOCK!! ok, i know alot of pple "pantang" taking pics of clocks, but i'm not. So to hell with it, this is my new clock which cost me only $2.50 at Ikea.. Me & the BF painstakingly stuck on the bling bling one by one..
And... my wall planks!!
Sorry for the bad pic quality, my stupid phone got no flash. Got the planks from Ikea and done it up with pink feathers. But.. They're super pricely if bought from Spotlight.
Last but not least...
My notice board. Bought at Ikea as usual... Wrapped the ugly wooden corners with pink paper and stuck on the grey polka dots. A little retro flavor.
That's abt it.. Hopefully i get a little inspiration soon and think what else more can i do up. Actually got my MP3 in mind already.. muaahahahaha...
Okies.. i gtg to bed now. Super long entry ah... *yawns*
And... my wall planks!!
Last but not least...
That's abt it.. Hopefully i get a little inspiration soon and think what else more can i do up. Actually got my MP3 in mind already.. muaahahahaha...
Okies.. i gtg to bed now. Super long entry ah... *yawns*
1:09 AM